
Friday, April 19, 2013

Step by step how to assemble a fuel pump on a B&S 18HP (422707-1522-01) Overhaul kit #694056

(392A) Diaphragm Spring, (432A) Spring-Cap, (860) Valve Spring x2
(391A) Fuel Pump Body and (434A) Diaphragm Cover
(394A) Outer Diaphragm, (394B) Inner Diaphragm, (859B) Gasket

This is where the springs line up on the fuel body.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Are you kiddn' me!?

<Disclaimer> I'm not a political person. I mean it's only been a few months that I really started to take notice of what's going on around me. So obviously I might have my facts wrong.. I do however try my absolute best to research on my own, from what I believe to be truthful sources.. then form my own opinion on the matter. But don't take my word for it.. Do your part, research and educate yourself.. learn the facts and form your own opinions too!.</Disclaimer>

So let me get this straight.. we have a President that's trying to take away OUR guns, which violates the 2nd Amendment, then SELLING those guns freely to Mexican drug cartels, causing even more crazy shootings a crossed the border... trying to KEEP the power to kill U.S Citizens without trial (how the HECK was that allowed in the first place?!) violating the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Amendments (see below for excerpts).Is this really what we signed up for?

Oath of office of the President of the United States. sourse:
...., and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
I don't understand... he said those words.. he in FACT repeated them TWICE (audio proof at the above source), yet he defiantly disregards them? 

Same goes for current Politicians taking a similar Oath. source:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States ... "
What's going on here?! Why are there so many Officials completely ignoring their Oaths and the United States SUPREME LAW!?

" We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. "

So I ask YOU, why do we allow political figures (Including the PRESIDENT) to freely, openly and defiantly ATTACK our Constitution?

2nd (..., the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.)
4th (The right of the people to be secure in their persons, ..., against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, ...)
5th (No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, ... without due process of law; ...)
6th (... right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, ...)
7th (..., the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, ...)
8th (,.. nor cruel and unusual punishments inflected.)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The year is 2133. We the People.....

"Government was created to protect your rights and should have no goal higher than the protection of those rights.  When government's own goals override your rights, government is acting unconstitutionally." 

Government often states that these violations of citizens' rights are necessary "for the good of society."

The year is 2133. We the people, currently live in Government approved homes.  They are built level with the ground so that steps are unnecessary  Steps were outlawed in 2096 due to too many trip and fall deaths. They are typically dome style featureless homes painted plain white or gray.  The interior of these homes have rounded corners and are 98% covered in padded walls and floors

One 32 inch television set is provided free of charge per family and is professionally installed in a central location of the home by an officer of the Government.  It is embedded flush into a wall as to not create any protruding corners.  Government Officials voted remote controls unsafe for general public health.  They contribute to obesity and laziness.  Officials also viewed them as potential weapons.  All TV's are touch screen, for our protection and safety.

Furniture items, like tables are Government approved because they are one piece molded foam.
In 2093 alone there were 9 fall related deaths from the use of chairs. Chairs were outlawed in 2094. We sit on the soft padded floor, for our protection and safety.

Grocery stores were banned in 2036. A record high of 6 injury's and 1 death were reported between 2030 and 2035 due to improperly mopping floors.

Food is Government issued weekly in approved unsealed foam boxes, one box per person. Inside each box are 21 microwave "tv dinners".  Refrigeration and utensils are unnecessary.  Each food item is self contained, you simply open and drink.  All kitchen related appliances (except one) and utensils were banned in 2047 after the Kitchen Violence Act took effect.  Microwaves are the only Government approved cooking device. They are only large enough to perfectly fit 1 tv dinner at a time, provided free and inspected weekly.  

Stoves, ovens and anything that requires an open flame were also included in the Kitchen Violence Act.  The use of an open flame is only suitable for official Government use, for our protection and safety.

In 2100, all flavored beverages were banned from human consumption. Water is the only approved liquid. Water is provided by the Government and stored in Gov. approved drinking devices. Plastic 12 fluid ounce hermetically sealed sippy cups.. to prevent drowning.

Because after all.. it's for the good of society... right?

Monday, January 28, 2013

The assault weapons ban is a joke!

Banning rifles because it "LOOKS menacing", “LOOKS like a military weapon” or because it uses a pistol GRIP? Yes that's a joke..

"Assault Weapons" that civilians can legally buy provide the same functionality as most Hunting rifles. 

Both are semi-automatic. Semi-auto means ONE bullet is fired for each time the trigger is pulled. To fire again you must release the trigger and pull again. Almost all Hand Guns are in fact semi-automatic!

a quick look at murders from 2006 to 2010 (pulled from
4147 deaths from personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc)
3031 from blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc)
1980 deaths from rifles.

Now, I'm not trying to belittle those deaths.. they are all tragic and I wish never happened. But to ban guns, just simply wont stop deaths/murders.

It's my belief that if somehow we were to remove every single gun (mind you ANY firearm).. those gun related deaths WOULD STILL HAPPEN. Just by other means... hands, feet, knives, bats.. frying pans..

If a criminal wants to do harm.. he/she does not need a rifle or gun to do so.

Joe Biden admits Assuault Weapons account for a very small fraction of incidents in the latest "Fireside hangout" he hosted.

Bottom line, I think banning gun based on looks or features is just a waste of time.

I like the idea of gun education. Education, education, education! Even for those that might be afraid of guns. You could still take a class that teaches basic safety rules/guidelines with out even touching a real gun. If it piques your interest, then continue on to a more advanced classes. Or not, but then you'd still have basic safety knowledge at hand.

Guns in schools, there has been an idea bouncing around of employing dedicated officers to patrol schools. I think that's a great idea to be honest. and I mean why not? Maybe go as far as employing trained security guards. As long as there are adequate measures taken to ensure they are trained and mentally fit to be armed guards.

Educate yourself

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rift, will it be... the next big MMO?

If you don't know what Rift is, shame on you!  Rift, created by Trion Worlds is a new massively multi-player online game coming out officially March 1st.  If you pre-order(ed), you can play it right now!

I have a feeling Rift might stick around as being in the top 5 MMO's out right now.  It has a lot of good things going for it.  I'll try and go over as much as I can without rambling too much.

First thing I'll talk about is the Graphics.  The screen shots I took are all maxed out settings.  A lot of games today, either go too realistic or too cartoony.  They did a really nice blend of the two, leaning a little more on the realistic side.  The color tones are another really nice touch, naturalistic elements with vivid colors.

I can also say their animation team did fantastic work.  For the most part everything moves really smooth.  Fight animations flow pretty well, I didn't notice much if any broken transitions.  Which is a really big pet peeve of mine.  Another pet peeve is the run/walk animation not matching the character's actual forward speed.  Rift matches near perfectly!  Thumbs up! 

Gameplay is really smooth too.  The only thing that can seem daunting is the Soul system.  The Souls system works on a point system and fine tunes how you play your character.  Every time you level up, you get points to add in to a Soul Tree.  As you spend points to go up the Soul tree, it will in turn affect the "root system".  The roots are where your Abilities get unlocked, an ability every two points you spend in said Soul.
Your character can have up to 3 Souls active at a time.  Understanding what each Soul can do, will take a bit of reading and a good deal of trial and error.  In the tool tips however it will suggest which other Souls will compliment the one you chose.  For example, if you chose the Ranger Soul, it might suggest you take Marksmen and Saboteur for your other two slots.

The Souls you choose really depends on how you want to play your character.  Obviously there will be flavor of the month builds, but I think it would be rather challenging to choose a combination that is just totally gimped.

You can purchase additional "roles" which allow you to save your current build without erasing your point distribution.  I'm not sure exactly how many roles you can buy, but I believe it's up to four. 

I managed to spend a pretty decent amount of time in the Warfronts.  Warfronts are instanced zones with strategic elements added to them.  Like Capture the Flag, Defend and Hold etc etc.  You can join Warfronts as soon as level 10.  I'm a little surprised you can't at level 1, I'd in fact welcome it at level 1!  I suppose it's not a big deal, since you can get to 10 in about two hours or less.  In my beta time, I only got to 21 so Black Garden and The Codex are the only two I got to see.

The first Warfront that you'll see at level 10 is Black Garden.  Players level 10 through 19 can join this Warfront.  A fairly big map in which the first team to 500 points wins (or the team with the most points after 20 minutes).  Score points by capturing and holding the Fang of Regulos or killing other players.
I'm not too sure how matchmaking works in Rift, but I seemed to always have really bad luck in matches.  Regardless of which faction I chose, I would always get ridiculously long loss streaks.  I'd like to think one bad player wouldn't mean team fail.  But that's how it truly felt.  I think I can also chalk it up to the fact that maybe most players just didn't understand the concept of that Warfront.

The second Warfront you'll see is once you hit level 20 (level 20 through 29).  The Codex is another map where the first team to a set amount of points wins.  This time its to 1,000.  There are four control points that each team can capture.  The control points are; The Codex, Translation Scope, Statue of Thontic and The Vault. 
This is a pretty fun Warfront, by far out of the two, The Codex is my favorite.  As a level 20 Warlock, I managed to do pretty well, and didn't feel too helpless once I learned to use the environment to my advantage.
Until about level 20 and leave Freemarch/Silverwood (depending on your faction) you might not see a whole lot of world PvP.  Unless of course you toggle your pvp flag and go looking for it.

When it comes to Rift's lore or story, I can't say I know much about it.  I was sort of in a "get as many levels as I can" mode.  So I didn't do much reading.  I think if I decide to buy Rift, I will take a much slower pace and take the time to read what the game is about.


I'd say overall, Rift is a pretty cool game, I had a blast.  But the question is, "will I buy it?".  I didn't pre-order and I probably won't buy it till its been out a few weeks.  Mainly because I'd like the server populations to settle down a bit and for the starter zones to thin out some.   I definitely recommend giving Rift a try once it launches.

I didn't plan on commenting on this, but why the heck not?  What I mean is, the term "WoW Killer" seems to get thrown around a lot when a new MMO comes out.  In my personal opinion, I don't think Rift will "kill" World of Warcraft.  I just think WoW is too big of a game to crumble under Rift.  I do think however, Rift will be a pretty successful MMO.  Only time will tell however.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Testing out Layouts.

Pay no attention to this post. I'm just testing it out for now.

There is only one other blog I have used before, and it happens to be at under the same name. Check it out if you'd like, I have a few posts there.

I don't really have anything else to say right now, but I'm trying to say as much as I can just to fill some space. I'm listening to some Akon right now while doing this, so that might be a little bit interesting to write about! Nah not really but I thought I would mention it.

Alright, that seems like all of the nonsense I have for right now. I might come back and type some more, you're welcome to come back anytime.


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Is Age of Conan... Shadowbane 2.0?

Age of Conan has some promise behind it, but I don't think it is bringing enough to the table to keep it afloat. Using an evolved form of combat just simply isn't enough. It seems as though everything else in game is the same old thing we see in past mmo's.

While Questing, Funcom has decided to use a cut scene style of quest view, which I think is a huge mistake. It's very single player and drags you away from your surroundings, for example: When you talk to an NPC, your user interface goes away and your camera zooms into you and the NPC, you are then cut off from your friends until you're finished reading the quest.

It's my thought however that this style may only be used levels 1 through 20. Since roughly level 1 through 20 is mixed with solo/instanced play and multi player aspects. It's also thought Funcom may have used this method to give the story line a more epic feel.

It's my hope that they use a quest book style (See WoW) after level 20.

The story line quests are very tedious and require a lot of running from place to place. Also questing in general seems like any other game, there is nothing new, it's just the same Go find X, kill 30 Y's and return when your done.

Age of Conan's combat system is probably the games flagship feature. There is still a few things that hasn't made its appearance in Beta, but should be in by release day. For example, Spellweaving. This is supposed to allow a caster class the ability to weave spells in combat like no other game before it. The best way I can describe it would be like this (I could be wrong however, as I have not seen nor tested it before), lets say you have a basic fireball spell. You hurl a firey mass at your opponent which then hits and does damage. Well, a spell weave would take that basic idea, and transform it. Depending on how you weave, would create different effects. Maybe adding a DoT to it for example?

I have read that spell weaving puts your character into a channeling state where he/she cannot move while in this trance. And some powerful weaves could take up to 40 seconds to complete!

Sounds very interesting, lets hope the beta testers get to see this in action before release day!

Basic melee is also very interesting and directional combat is something pretty new. Rather than targeting an enemy and clicking Auto attack and waiting, you'll have to put in a bit of work for your kill.

When you initiate combat, you'll see your opponents Shield Bars pop up. You then need to attack his vulnerable sides to deal effective damage. If he moves his Shield Bars to his Left side, you attack his Right side. If he's protecting all three sides, normally you just hack at one side until he moves more bars there, then counter by attacking his open side. Easy enough.

It may get a little more complicated once you start getting combo attacks. Where you open with an attack then issue in sequence other directional attacks to create a sort of a final blow. This is where the “fatalities” come into play. It's my understanding that when you start a combo and land a critical blow that kills your opponent, you'll have the chance to see a somewhat unique finishing move. For example; the infamous decapitation!

Shield Bars are a visual representation of where you are protecting yourself, and not a physical object on your character. It also doesn't block damage, it just reduces damage taken.

A new player starts out with three basic directions (with two more later on) he can protect, using a max of three Shield Bars he/she can use at any given point. The three areas are; Top, Left side and Right side.

You can protect all three sides at the same time, but using only one Shield Bar per side, or all three Shield Bars to protect just one side leaving the other two sides completely open.

Players also have an active Block they can use at any point to manually block attacks. Doing so drains stamina.

Players will also have available to them a “Dash” technique. For example; If you double tap your forward key just before attacking, you sort of dash or lunge at your enemy. When you do that you get a small attack buff. If you double tap your backward key, you dart away from the mob, and get a small evasion buff. It's kind of a nice touch and additional tactic.

Fighting in general is pretty quick. Most NPC's your level (one on one) might last around 10 seconds. If you get additional opponents into the mix, it may take a little longer.

Another nice little thing Funcom added is when you fight multiple NPC's and get consecutive kills, I believe you get some sort of experience bonus.

All of this creates a pretty unique fighting experience early on. How this plays in end-game or PvP, who knows? It has the potential to get very tedious yet at the same time, in PvP could open up tons of tactical possibility's I think.

Aside from gameplay, the graphics are very cool. It's pretty much what you would expect in todays mmo's. Your supposed to be able to use DX10, but that's something not in beta yet. So I can't comment on it unfortunately.

I mention in the title Shadowbane 2.0, from what I can remember of that game, Age of Conan has a very similar feel to it. Less the directional combat and Shield Bars mind you. Since I haven't seen Siege Combat or PvP in AoC I can't give that aspect a fair review, however my gut feeling says I can see Age of Conan becoming Shadowbane 2.0 (cool ideas but implemented poorly or not taken far enough) if Funcom doesn't play their cards right.

Aside from my over all personal feelings on it, I think its pretty fun and I know a lot of people will enjoy it.